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app-home.GIF (25205 bytes)Simply put, Alco-Metalube is used almost anywhere metal meets metal. It doesn’t matter what the conditions are-- salt water, high temperatures, sand & dirt, severe shock loads, extreme weather -- you name it, Alco-Metalube works. Familiar places where Alco-Metalube has been used include:

  1. The NASA Space ShuttleTransport: Alco-Metalube was used on the gears and treads of the transport which moved the NASA Space Shuttle onto the launch pad
  2. The H-3 highway, Hawaii: This 40 year, $2 billion project had as its major component a crane designed specifically for this project. Hundreds of feet above the ground, this crane was the lifeline of the entire project. It served as a shuttle for all materials to the construction areas. But there was a problem: this crane needed repair every THREE DAYS. Each time the crane was being repaired, the entire project came to a halt.  Once they used Alco-Metalube, the crane required repair only once every THREE MONTHS! As a result of the increased productivity, the highway was actually finished months ahead of schedule.
  3. Pipeline Vessel for the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant: Completion of San Onofre nuclear power plant in California required the placement of 5 miles of concrete pipes to be placed on the ocean floor.  The vessel, Lisa A., was specially built for this purpose.  The 16 foot diameter pipes were successfully placed by large grappling arms lubricated with Alco-Metalube, unaffected by salt water.
  4. Universal Studios Theme Park Attractions: Remember Jaws? Remember Earthquake? Alco-Metalube was especially helpful on the Jaws attractions because the shark (and therefore the grease) was actually in the water. Alco-Metalube did not wash off!
  5. Government Testing: The world-famous Seabees of the U.S. Navy first tested the military application of Alco-Metalube at its home base, Port Hueneme, Calif.   Tough testing against other military lubricants resulted in acceptance and placement on the Qualified Products List, or QPL, one of the higest ratings possible.  Spec.-Mil-G-18458 (Ships).

But use your imagination! Alco-Metalube is being used in airline trash compactors, hinges, on chain saws, log splitters, Military LST's, midget racers and motorcycles. Almost anywhere metal meets metal, Alco-Metalube can be used.

Uncertain as to how Alco-Metalube can help you? Call us toll free at 877 HVY LUBE or e-mail us at

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